Uniformity suited and booted for busy season

October 12, 2022

John Sheehy


As Ireland's leading supplier of School and work Uniforms, Uniformity has both a large number of repeat customers and predictable peak periods (July/August). Not only do their sales staff have to manage high volumes of customer inquiries they also need to know detailed requirements for almost every school in the country.

They have found that previous customers who themselves needed a uniform and instinctively know what each school requirement is have made the perfect Summer Sales Associates.

How could JobFairy help and get them fully staffed up for peak season?

JobFairy automatically creates hiring posters and Social media images for your business

With a large footfall through the showroom and a large social media following, Uniformity just needed a way to attract an existing candidate pool to apply.

JobFairy automatically creates QR code hiring posters for every business and shareable social media images.

Our graphic design team have crafted images and posters that capture attention, Uniformity used these to great affect.

A poster up at the point of sale quickly spread word of mouth and brought in applications by leveraging the footfall in their showroom, while the social media posting on their facebook page (their virtual showroom) did the same.

The results were clear, no money was spent in promoting these roles and they received excellent candidates.

Uniformity Uniformity