A surge of qualified applicants flood in for the Water Lab

October 21, 2022

John Chambers


After struggling to find qualified candidates through their usual channels, the Water Lab reached out to JobFairy for help. After a carefully created and bespoke social media campaign the applications 'flooded' in. With all bar one applicant qualified for the role, the 'drought' of good candidates was solved.

With solo video interviews enabling the team to meet the person behind the CV, time to hire was down as well, from the successful candidate's application to the first day in the lab took just took 20 days.

Paid Social media campaigns bring in relevant candidates that you don't get elsewhere

"To be fair only one of the applications was not relevant for the job. The video interview was great too. JobFairy is a handy tool !" - Ed Brookes, General Manager
The Water Lab The Water Lab